nadi shodhana

Nadi shodhana refers to the purification of the nadis. The nadis are the subtle channels that carry prana through the field of the mind. When they are functioning properly the mind is clear and vibrant. The mind will reflect fluctuations when they are imbalanced. The three main nadis to know and understand are sushumna, ida and pingala.

  • Sushumna nadi arises from the muladhara chakra and is the energetic equivalent to the spinal column, made of the ether element. Awakened kundalini energy flows through the sushumna nadi

  • Ida nadi runs from the base of the spine to the left nostril, it is the cool, water element, referred to as the lunar nadi and stimulates the functioning of the right brain and feminine qualities inherent in an individual

  • Pingala nadi runs from the base of the spine to the right nostril, it is the warm, fire element, referred to as the solar nadi and stimulates the functioning of the left brain and masculine qualities inherent in an individual

Proper diet and pranayama, or breathing practices, are the most effective ways to purify the nadis. There are many pranayamas to have in your toolbox but I will share with you here the most gentle way to balance all three nadis called Anuloma-Vilomana, or alternate nostril breathing:

  1. Begin in a comfortable cross-legged position such as Sukhasana, or easy pose. You may choose to sit on a folded blanket, boulster or block to elevate your hips and reduce knee pressure. Sit up straight but relax your body. Soften your jaw and breathe naturally as you settle in

  2. Your right hand is in Vishnu Mudra— bend your index and middle fingers, keeping your ring finger, pinkie finger and thumb extended

  3. Your left hand is in Chin Mudra— fingertips of thumb and index fingers connected and the middle, ring and pinkie fingers extended, palm facing down and resting on your knee to encourage grounding energy during your practice

  4. Close your right nostril with your right thumb

  5. Inhale deeply through your left nostril— at the top of this inhalation close your left nostril with your right ring finger

  6. Exhale through your right nostril, and inhale through this same right side, at the top of this inhale close the right nostril with your right thumb

  7. Exhale through your left nostril, and inhale on this same left side (the original position) and continue to alternate sides keeping this pattern for anywhere from 2-10 minutes twice daily, depending on where you are at

  8. A rhythm of 4 counts in, 4 counts hold and 8 counts out is a good start

Alessandra Todd

Ayurvedic Health Practitioner in Carmel, CA

jihva dhauti


yoga nidra